Oil and grease stains



Any kind of natural stone, granite, limestone, agglomerate, concrete and terracotta has its absorbtion degree. If the surface is not treated with high quality protectors and an oily or greasy substance spills on the surface it will jeopardise the beauty of the surface almost in all cases.  
You may solve the problem with the following application: 

MGP 2 is a grey creamy substance; when it becomes a white powder, after 10-15 hours, it has finished to act and should be eliminated with a cloth.                                  
If a mark is still visible repeat the application until complete cleaning.  
If the color of the surface looks lighter after the application of MGP 2 it is due to the full cleaning of the surface.  To have an even surface clean the whole area with MGP 25 or apply MGP 2 on the whole area. The surface will be so clean and ready to be treated. 

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